The Biden Administration recently announced its intention to restore several previous environmental protections and regulations that the Trump Administration altered.
These restored rules fall under the Endangered Species Act, as well as the Clean Air Act.
Endangered Species Act
Several of the reversed rules pertained to species that saw their classification change from “endangered” to the less severe “threatened.” This change in classification made it easier for several industries, such as oil & gas and logging, to begin their operations in areas where these species typically dwell.
These industries would no longer require special permits to work in areas where these species resided. This is because these permits were only required for species classified as endangered, not threatened. While this benefited several industries, many environmental groups argued that too many species were prematurely relieved of endangered status. This put many at greater risk and threatened to undo the progress made towards many species’ stability.
Clean Air Act
At the end of 2020, the Trump Administration adopted the “Benefit-Cost Rule.” This altered the way the EPA assessed the cost and benefits of regulating pollution.
The EPA rescinded this Rule for the following reasons:
- The Benefit-Cost Rule imposed broad restrictions and requirements without explaining the need for those requirements.
- The Rule was not necessary to carry out the Clean Air Act because the EPA already prepares a benefit-cost analysis (BCA) for Clean Air Act rules that warrant such analysis.
- It limited the EPA’s ability to rely on the best available science.
- The Rule’s presentational requirements invited net benefit calculations in regulatory preambles that are misleading and inconsistent with economic best practices.
- It did not reconcile its provision that the Agency consider the required BCAs with the substantive mandates of the Clean Air Act.
- The pre-existing and ongoing administrative process provides for ample consistency and transparency.