The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) renews the Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (TXR05) every five years. On August 14, 2021 the current permit will expire and the new permit will go into effect.
Once the new permit goes into effect, existing permit holders will need to file a Notice of Intent (NOI). There is a 90-day grace period allowed by TCEQ after the permit renewal date to complete this.
2021 TXR05 Permit Goes Into Effect
In addition to filing a NOI, the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP, SWP3) will need to be updated to meet the requirements of the new permit.
Peace Environmental is ready to assist you with filing an NOI and update your SWPPP, sitemaps, and outfalls, as needed.
Below is a summary of updates coming to the TXR05 permit.
General Updates
Addition and revision of some definitions to clarify permit requirements. Minor revisions in various sections of the permit for clarifying and streamlining permit provisions.
Addition of NACIS Codes to SIC Codes Tables
Added North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes for consistency with EPA’s MSGP and to assist the regulated community. TCEQ TXR05 Stormwater Permit Renewal
Updated Provisional Coverage Time
Paper Notice of Intents (NOIs) and No Exposure Certifications (NECs) now have provisional coverage after 48 hours from postmarked for delivery to TCEQ. Consistent with other TCEQ General Permits.
Changes to Items Required on NOIs and NOCs
Updated For Submitting Delegation of Signatory Authority Form
Requirement to Post a Sign
Permittees are required to post a sign or other notice of permit coverage at a readily accessible area for viewing by the public and local, state, and federal authorities to be consistent with TCEQ’s CGP and EPA’s draft 2020 MSGP. TCEQ TXR05 Stormwater Permit Renewal