The TCEQ has identified the following EPA-issued general permits that authorize oil and gas discharges that are administratively continued: General Permit Numbers TXG330000 and TXG260000. The TCEQ will complete the general permit development process for these permits and either issue a TPDES general permit or suspend general permit development and require permittees to seek authorization under a TPDES individual permit.

RRC Permits Transferred to TCEQ

New Individual Permit Applications

The TCEQ shall be responsible for all permit applications for new TPDES oil and gas permits that are received on or after the date of program authorization

Pending Individual Permit Applications

Permitting authority shall transfer to the TCEQ for NPDES oil and gas individual permit applications pending before EPA. The TCEQ will complete the permitting process for these pending applications and either issue a TPDES permit or deny the application request.

Effective (Active) Individual Permits

EPA issued NPDES permits shall remain effective until expiration, amendment/modification, or renewal as TPDES permits. RRC Permits Transferred to TCEQ

The TCEQ will process all permit applications for renewal or amendment that are received after the date of program authorization. When the TCEQ issues a renewed or amended permit, the TPDES permit shall replace both the state-issued and EPA-issued permits.

Effective (Active) General Permits

On the date of program authorization, compliance monitoring and enforcement authority shall transfer to the TCEQ for NPDES General Permit Numbers TXG330000 and TXG260000

Permits with Pending Enforcement Action
EPA shall retain compliance monitoring and enforcement authority for all permits with ongoing judicial actions. Compliance monitoring and enforcement authority for these permits shall transfer to the TCEQ upon final resolution of the judicial actions. If a permittee fails to comply with an EPA administrative order, EPA will notify the TCEQ, and the TCEQ will issue an administrative order to the permittee that addresses both the permit violation(s) and the EPA administrative order violation (equivalent TCEQ order)
Notification to Permittees
Within thirty (30) days of authority transfer to the TCEQ, EPA shall notify the permittee or applicant of the authority transfer in writing, including permittees covered under a general permit.
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